
Saturday 12 March 2016

'Some Were Lucky' Arrives!

On Thursday an old soldier made my week, for this arrived through the post, Ken's much anticipated book. Produced in acknowledgement of the fact that his 1981 title, 'An It's Called A Tam O'Shanter', is rather difficult to obtain and rather expensive as a result, 'Some Were Lucky' tells Ken's wartime story once more, from enlistment to demobilisation.

This is a most welcome addition to the body of written work documenting the activities and achievements of the 11th Royal Scots Fusiliers and the 49th (West Riding) Division - The Polar Bears. The email associated with the book is stated above.

7th March 2016

Dear Adrian,

Well here it is at last - "Warts 'n all!". I do hope that you approve of the cover. Initially I asked my grandson, James, who worked in Graphic Design if he could do a suitable cover for what was initially to be a collection of A4 notes, stapled together & photocopied to pass a few around the family. James became interested in the project and offered to type it out to make it more presentable it wasn't until Steve saw your delightful lino cut and said "that's a perfect cover for your book" the ______ in this compact little publication.

So it has become a joint family project. I wrote the story, Steve chose the cover and James did all the hard work to get it published!

I told him I was quite pleased with what he'd done for a 21 year old to become a nationally registered book publisher is no mean achievement. Subsequently James has set up an email address so if you wish to use the email please do so and I shall get a copy of it within a day.

Best Wishes,


Friday 11 March 2016

Further Correspondence With Ken West

It was a couple of weeks after Christmas and I was getting a little concerned as I was waiting on a letter from Ken. A prompt correspondent, it was unusual not to hear word and I was hoping nothing was amiss. Then one Saturday afternoon, a letter was posted through the door. It had been opened and the envelope bore the words 'Opened in error'. So here was my letter at last and all was well!

8 Jan 2016

Dear Adrian,

Thank you for your letter and good wishes, your Polar Bear Christmas card was most welcome and apt!

Yes, it was heartening to see that Dennis had given such good coverage of our stories, which does show the power of writing for information and the results that it brings.

In response to my story of the "Polar Bear On The Prowl", I received a letter from Milwaukee USA. A new PBA member Mike Hamilton who said that his father was awarded the DSO for his part in the Battle of Haalderen, presumably with the 7th Dukes as a Major (later Lt. Col) so would have been a Company Commander.

Mike and his son are planning to visit Holland in November and asked for any information, so I have got Steve to email a sketch map & photos of the Church & the monument to him. He is working in the Phillipines until March so his only contact is email. As his father would have been in the thick of the battle he welcomed the help received from "D" Coy RSF in repelling the attack in which 50 Germans were killed and 110 taken prisoner. As your Grandfather would have been embroiled in this battle I will keep you informed of any information coming from Mike as his father did a write up in the Duke's Journal.

Like you Adrian, I am eagerly awaiting the publishing of "Some Were Lucky", the time to get it to the busy printers was underestimated because of the Christmas requirements. However, it should be at the printers in the next 2-3 weeks.

The visit to Amsterdam in May looks very promising and Steve & I look forward to seeing you there. Like your nearness to Stansted, we may consider Birmingham-Schipol to avoid the day long journey by road. 

The photographs you refer to were all taken by a local photographer Carl Huth at Ludenscheid in July 1945. He went to each Company to record all members of 11th RSF. Some, of course, would have been on UK leave, otherwise it was a record of the men who'd been in action with the Battalion. 

At Christmas I received a card from the son of my old "digging in" mate George, who enclosed half a dozen snaps taken at Ludenscheid, but they are of poor quality, but most welcome nevertheless as they show the mounting of the guard which took place each evening. They record the _______ by the piper to the Flagstaff at Battalion HQ, the piper's lament and last post, which at first the locals thought was to celebrate Victory, when told that it was to remember the fallen of all soldiers some 100 people would attend, including some Germans from the local hospital, which lead to an easing of tension and making our stay at Ludenscheid so enjoyable!

Best Wishes to you all


PS I read Bill Irwin's book, lent to me by Jack (Dixie) Dean Sgt Mortar later RSM 1st Leics. Bill received MM at the ___________ in Belgium. Sadly both are now dead but they were great raconteurs!